Monday, August 24, 2009

Finnegans Wake

A 50 page introduction, a lengthy suggested additional reading list,and the first letter of the first word on the first page is not a capital (!?): I am very very intimidated but not afraid. I chose to do read this; I want to do this. But why would you do something so time consuming, arduous, and potentially unrewarding you ask. Yes the guy at Book City did look into my eyes with respect and awe when I bought my copy. Yes, I will carry it around in my purse to impress learned pickpockets. And yes, I do expect to grow an inch taller as a result of the literary calcium I will have absorbed by the end of page 628 (I just peeked at said page and... no final period, what am I thinking?). But, the main reason I want to read the most difficult and incomprehensible text I can think of is to see what Finnegans Wake makes of me and what I make of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah,
    Other good "unreadable": "Something Happened" by Joseph Heller.
